2017 Rules & Regulations (Oct. 2017)
The Ultimate Forces Challenge pre-selection, selection rounds, semi-final and final contest will take place in the Netherlands and / or other countries all over the world. UFC B.V., (located in the Netherlands Amstelveen) organizes the event. During the pre-selection, selection rounds, semi-final and final the following competition rules & regulations for Teams and or Contestants (hereinafter T&C) will apply. The organizer of The Ultimate Forces Challenge, UFC B.V. has its own competencies and responsibilities that are unrelated to these competition rules.
Registration contestant
Annual contestant registration fee € 75, -. Which includes: admission to pre-contest events, semi-finals and finals, digital newsletter, admission to UFC community in the website www.ultimateforceschallenge.com with account and login, discount on UFC gear, nutrition and merchandise; when selected for the country team a free UFC competition of five (5) pieces sports outfit; return airfares to finals location, accommodation, F&B, local transport and the best memory of your life. Insurance Not Included.
The Ultimate Forces Challenge is an outdoor / extreme sports contest with a military twist, look & feel for young men and women. The complete contest includes various items / disciplines and is divided into a) pre-selection process; selection / training rounds; c) team selections; d) elimination rounds e) semi-final and f) final contest.
Team Definition
Each team consists as four (4) individual contestants. Each team will consist of two (2) female and two (2) male contestants from the same country. Each team can choose to bring* one (1) reserve contestants a substitute in the circumstance that a team member is injured or unwell and unable to compete and has to retire from the event. A reserve competitor is not allowed to be substituted if the “injured or unwell” competitor intends to re-join the competition.
Personal Disciplines
Personal disciplines you must possess are:
- Commitment to your team and to the event
- T&C spirit and fair play
- Acceptable vocal and verbal behaviour in a T&C spirit
- Good presentation, charisma, humour and attitude
- Fearlessness
- Adaptability to changing conditions
- Mental agility
The disciplines include the next elements:
- Power, Speed and endurance
- Commitment, T&C spirit, Fair play, General and verbal behaviour in a T&C spirit
- Presentation, Charisma and no fear. Per discipline every T&C will be awarded with a place in ranking, based on the time score (see the scoring system). The total in time determines the ranking of the T&C. The overall standings per contest will be handled as selection criterion for moving to the next round.
Contest Disciplines
The following disciplines like – but not limited to – combinations of the following will make up the event courses:
- Mountain biking
- Running
- Swimming
- Climbing
- Weight lifting
- Steep hill running Balance
- Agility
- Cat crawling
- Flying fox
- Abseiling
- Military assault courses
- Rope courses
- Watercraft-various
- Land and water obstacle courses
- Survival courses
- Strength
- Power
- Speed
- Endurance
Event round
Depending on the local conditions and circumstances (alternatively in combination) all contest courses (with the exception of the survival course) and whether single or combined, will have a maximum distance of 10 kilometres.
A maximum of 15 contest disciplines will be used for the final contest.
During the T&C semi-final individual outdoor-disciplines or a combination of outdoor-disciplines will be defined for a definitive selection of T&C for the final contest. Which disciplines will be part of the semi-final contest will be announced before each discipline at the contest location via the daily contest program in a row by handout on paper in combination with a briefing and specific penalties, rules & regulations on that exact discipline.
T&C’s that have survived the elimination rounds and advanced to the three (3) day semi-finals will compete in an individual and/or a combinations of contest disciplines. Announced at the contest location and before each race will be the disciplines that will make up that race. Each team captain will and take part in a pre-race briefing where they will receive a race information paper handout and discuss specific penalties, rules and regulations for the race(s). Advancement of the T&C for the final contest will be based upon the overall ranking. At the location of the semi-final and final contest, the overall ranking will determine how many T&C will eventually be selected for the final contest.
After 3 days of semi-final the best-selected T&C will participate in the final contest, at a location to be determined. The final contest includes disciplines similar to those in the semi-final as well as one or more disciplines.
The final contest disciplines and contest penalties, rules & regulations will be announced before each discipline at the contest location via the daily contest program in a row by handout on paper in combination with a briefing and specific penalties, rules & regulations on that exact discipline
At a location to be determined the final contest includes disciplines similar to those in the semi-finals as well as one or more disciplines. Each team captain will and take part in a pre-race briefing where they will receive a race information paper handout and discuss specific penalties, rules and regulations for the race(s).
Winning team of the Ultimate Forces Challenge will be determined based on the definite final results in ranking. The third through the first place of The Ultimate Forces Challenge are those T&C with the best overall rankings for all the disciplines. Winner of The Ultimate Forces Challenge is the best, no matter what score/ranking, of the TOP 2 T&C who finally stands 0 – 0 head to head best through all finals disciplines.
Fair play and penalties
Each of the 15 semi-final and or finals disciplines specific rules & regulations will be finally determined by the “Hand out” prior to each discipline and briefing. Specific instruction, rules & regulations, together with penalties are written on each hand out. Specific instructions rules & regulations are based on local circumstances, weather conditions and accommodations.
Scoring system
The next scoring system applies to all contest disciplines.
The fastest or best T&C:
Nr.1 = lowest total time in ranking up to the last place who is highest in time.
For each T&C the time scored at each contest disciplines will be totalized. In this way there is a total score for each T&C.
The ranking of the T&C is as follows: The T&C with the lowest team time score is Nr.1 in ranking. The T&C with the highest team time score is lowest in ranking.
From the third day, on each exit-day (the day one team leaves the competition) Close to the final, teams will be excluded per game/episode by knock out in total time score; the team that loses that game is excluded from further competition.
Contest program
In the contest program the exact number of outdoor items will be determined according to the rules for each outdoor discipline for performing the disciplines and courses. Likewise the timetable and the order of the disciplines, outdoors, will be determined for each day in the contest program. Depending on the contest location additional rules & regulations will be included in the contest program.
Fair play and honest contest proceeding
T&C who deliberately deviate from the in advanced determined / marked contest item / course will immediately be disqualified from the item in question and will receive a lowest ranking with double score points at this item for their daily score result. In case of recidivism in a next item the T&C will be definitely disqualified and banned from further participation.
During the outdoor items one head referee and one referee will take care for a fair, honest contest proceeding and timekeeping. A decision concerning an incorrect performed discipline will be taken by at least: the head referee and one referee. Concerning the outdoor items only the head referee and one referee will have the final decision. Objections concerning a referee’s decision can be brought before the head referee not later than one quarter of an hour after the finish of the concerning outdoor item.
The head referee, the referee and other officials will be introduced to the T&C and coaches before the first day of the final contest
Disabled contestants
If a 4 pax team contestant is disabled because of injuries the team will continue without this member. Team is allowed to enter 1 spear contestant. When a team has more than 1 disabled contestants, the total team will decline from the competition. With 3 remaining teams in the finals and 1 T&C have 1 contestants missing because of injuries, each T&C will be brought in balance with the same number of contestants. Team members of each T&C have to decide on the spot which member has to decline to keep competition equal and fair.
Doping control
‘At random’ tests.
Concerning the use of doping the organization of The Ultimate Forces Challenge uses the doping rules of the WADA. To control the use of doping the organization will ‘at random’ carry out tests for doping.
T&C contestants are obliged to fully co-operate in these ‘at random’ tests, at which T&C ‘at random’ can be summoned to hand in two double-blind urine samples under supervision. Contra expertise and objections are treated in accordance with the WADA rules.
T&C who refuse to co-operate in an ‘at random’ test or are found to have a positive test result will be immediately disqualified.
Individual doping tests
Summoned T&C who by circumstances are unable to submit to the ‘at random’ doping test(s) will be given the opportunity to proof themselves clear of doping by way of a WADA laboratory test with a report. Individual testing is only permitted after a written approval of the organiser. The costs involved are fully for the account of the T&C. When negative result of test, costs will be refunded.
The individual doping testing has a time limit of 6 days after the call for evocation. random’ test. In case of omission of the obliged and / or time submission of the WADA laboratory report or in case of a positive doping test result, the T&C will be excluded from further participation by disqualification.
Safety, health risks and insurance
A proper medical examination of the T&C of The Ultimate Forces Challenge by a medical doctor is not compulsory but recommended.
During the semi-final and final contest, a first aid will be present.
During the swim events members of the rescue- T&C / first aid will be present in the water with a boat. During the other outdoor events there will be a first aid present with transport facilities.
The above-mentioned measures are intended to minimise risk and maximize safety and health. However, participation is at own risk, T&C/contestants must themselves take care of a proper insurance. The organiser can never be held responsible for costs, direct or indirect, as a result of participation in The Ultimate Forces Challenge.
Legal regulations
Regarding a possible television broadcast the organizer is bound to the media law and to legal regulations made by the ‘Commissariat of the Media’ (a law enforced by a government-appointed media commission). All T&C and coaches are obliged to comply, like the organizer, with these legal regulations. Every contestant needs to sign a “Quitclaim” rights release form.
Private sponsoring
It is not allowed for T&C / contestants and coaches to express / expose private sponsoring during the pre-selection, semi-final and final contests during television shootings without written permission of the organiser. The organiser reserves the right to remove T&C, contestants, coaches, companions, family, friends and fans from the contest location at all times. Specifically, in the presence of television cameras recording or preparing to record (taking shots or not) for The Ultimate Forces Challenge when previous mentioned persons: carry, wear, show, use, consume too showy and ostentatious logos / logotypes / utterances / products or other eye striking features from third parties / non-event sponsors.
Required dress code
During the semi-final and final contest all T&C are bound to a dress code. For each contest the contest program includes discipline event rules, which define what kind of clothing, and / or articles (supplied by the organiser) the T&C have to use at each event. The required dress code includes the following articles: swimming gear, accessories, sportswear, running wear, protection wear, helmets, elbow and knee protectors and other for specific events suitable wear or articles.
Only in case the organiser does not supply with the involved wear or articles the T&C are allowed to use neutral wear (wear and / or articles ‘without’ logo / logotype) during the performance of a contest item. The organiser has the right to determine if the wear is neutral and, if necessary, remove it.
Decency & Values
Each UFC (m/f) member and UFC employee can be expected to properly communicate verbally and non-verbally, emailing, writing with anyone who moves / operates within the organization, production or participants. Any kind of insulting, abusive, inflammatory, discriminatory verbal and non-verbal behaviour and communication in whatever form the organization gives the right to deny anyone, UFC (m/f) participant or UFC employee, production employee further and future participation without entitled to a refund of entry fee.
Concerning the contests – pre-selection, semi-final and final, there are two regulations for coaching. For each contest and depending on the contest location and it will be decided which regulation will be applicable. This will be announced via the definite contest program.
Concerning the coaching of the T&C during the contest, the T&C will be divided into groups of 4 persons. Each group of T&C is allowed to have one contest coach ore separate. Coaching just before and after a contest discipline /event is reserved to the contest coaches. The T&C in a group decide between themselves which coach is most suitable as a contest coach. The contest coach is to be selected from their individual coaches or other available coaches. External / outside the T&C coaches / team captains have to take care of their own flights, F&B and accommodations.
Other coaches are allowed to be present at the contest location, but they are not allowed to directly interfere, just before and after the contest item, with the T&C or the contest item.
Coaches who consider themselves suitable as a contest coach should apply not later than one month before the contest to the event organiser. Coaches operate on behalf of their team and do not have an official status within UFC.
Political, behavioural and social rules for UFC staff and volunteers
In striving for formatting, brand and product protection, quality and clarity, the UFC organization has established the following policy, code of conduct and rules of behaviour for UFC, UFC employees and volunteers (hereinafter UFC’s). It’s UFC’s up to 2 years after completion of the voluntary / service not permitted to contact, build and / or maintain with UFC participants (m/f).
It’s UFC’s up to 2 years after completion of the voluntary / service is not allowed to recruit / interest UFC participants (m/f) for their own and / or third parties, activities, sports, events and / or competitions. UFC officers serve participants (m/f) to be alert to these rules and from the relevant participants.
It’s UFC’s up to 2 years after completion of the voluntary / service not allowed participants (m/f) at the time of the UFC auditions, selections and competitions with private approaching intentions and whether liaises. In case of violation of applicable policies, behaviour and manners are on the UFC officers with immediate effect from the UFC organization removed from duty. At the same time contestant will be immediately disqualified on the UFC participants (m/f) and withdrawn from the event.
It’s UFC’s up to 2 years after completion of the voluntary / service only allowed UFC participants (m/f) to speak, to inform and information which directly and / or indirectly related to practicing, performing, performance and / or presenting the UFC auditions, selections and competitions.
UFC’s up to 2 years after the end of the deemed to be known volunteer / employment with the policy described above, behaviour and manners.
By cooperating in the UFC events, selections and competitions UFC co-workers automatically agree with the above policy, behaviour and manners.
In conclusion
All T&C and coaches are strictly bound to observe the instructions of officials of the organizer and the local authorities e.g. police and fire brigade.
All event related rules and regulations are effected by offer and acceptance and under Dutch law.
Ultimate Forces Challenge reserves the right to change and or adapt Rules & Regulations to country, nation and or local laws regarding economy, safety, local authorities e.g. police and fire brigade.