Of course, the Corona pandemic hits us hard but we all know this too shall pass. That’s what probably a lot of energetic sporty people must have thought when sending a request for more information about the Ultimate Forces Challenge to select their country team. Striking is the motivation of numerous contenders saying they’ve had it with the regular obstacle and mud runs, it’s always the same they say. and they’re right.

 As we experienced already 15 years ago when contestants asked for more variation and a surprise effect, and of course we already figured out that predictable bite ready obstacle runs won’t last for long. Yes, for the contenders who won’t raise the bar and are not interested in exploring their boundaries’ a regular obstacle run will do, but not for us. That’s why we are the Ultimate Forces Challenge because each edition is unpredictably different.

As an example

And it’s easy, we’re just not going to tell you what you’re up against, now that’s a challenge. Numerous athletes underestimated the UFC expecting, this will be a piece of cake’ because they’re already champion in this and that run, yeah sure you are… duuhh, and exit in the first round out of 15. Back in 2001 we started a cooperation with the Dutch Marines training our annual contestants and select the 20 best. From that moment UFC got more and more military in the disciplines as within the techniques, challenges, strategy, team work and mental issues. For years, we have military specialists on board to re-design the numerous challenges each year, just to make sure nobody can prepare.

Skeeler Race At UFC Malta 2000

Despite the delay we’re still pushing forward to our next Ultimate Forces Challenge for country teams in Canada and the Ultimate Fitness Challenge, women only. For the next Ultimate Forces Challenge we will handle a maximum of 10 competing countries with a team of 5. The Ultimate Fitness Challenge will be a 20 Pax individual ‘women only’ competition as usual. Due to the enquiries, yes, a military or homeland security expertise / experience will be very helpful when signing up for the challenge of your life.

Morning Run at the Dutch Marines in UFC 2005



Just stay focus on our website news blog, where we will announce the next UFC.

First Challenge Team Australia in UFC 2016 Bali with Director Erik

Medal moment for Duane Winning team South Africa in Bali 2016

Deadliest Chain Run at Texel with the Marines in 2001


Because we love what we do.

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