With a steep incline number of visitors each month on our website we can see we’ve reached most outskirts of the globe by now with the USA, Canada, UK, Germany as leading countries and the Russians spying on us, but what’s new. It’s quite astonishing to see how the numbers keep rising, giving us more and more confident to totally step away from television, going on full SVOD which will save us a lot of obstacles in the next Ultimate Forces Challenge which of course we will produce our selves this time, no more Hanky Panky producers.

Because we love what we do

Episode 13

In the 13th episode of the Photonis Ultimate Forces Challenge Bali the teams will face the amazing Trefecta Mobility E-bikes to challenge with. These E-bikes, once you’ve drove them you will understand what makes these bikes so special against all the other e-bikes in the market nowadays. There is NO comparison possible, trust me I drove the bike and it still amazes me. These bikes are awesome and when in reach you definitely should consider to try one out. The speed up to 100 km.ph, maneuverability, acceleration and easy to handle will blow your mind.

Next the teams will face the Night Vision at height and what a challenge it was. Imagine pitch black night and standing on an edge at 130ft. A descent in absolute darkness and finding your way through the jungle with your team. You’re guided by your team mate with a laser beam to the objects to find, but you can only see the laser beam with the Photonis Night Vision goggles and the rest is searching in pitch black night, go for it.   

Episode 14

As you already figured out the 14th episode is a recap of all 13 episodes as a build up to the 15th episode, the grand finales. Not only a regular recap but with lots of unused footage from the previous series, just to give you a better view of the scene and surroundings of the beautiful Island Bali. The producer promised us some bloopers and misfits in the recap but unfortunately, they failed on that too, nothing new at the horizon.

Episode 15

Always safe the best for last as they say, and that’s what we did. In the 15th and final episode the remaining teams will face the mother of all challenges which we used before in our previous UFC’s, the Marines killer challenge, the one with the jerrycans which will give them the final blow. In a few days you can watch the 15thand final episode with the winning team for free, of course. So, stay tuned.


Due to our previous UFC Ladies Only series which comes next, we will add subtitles in English to the Dutch only series so please give us some time to handle this, thanks.

The full Photonis Ultimate Forces Challenge and all 8 previous UFC editions will be published on our new UFC website for you for free to watch.

A true love for sports

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