As we stated earlier, we are going to start our own SVOD channel and together with VIMEO we already made first steps for the set-up. Sport Discovery Channel as a platform for our events and productions, once broadcasted on linear TV’ they will continue online forever.
As you probably already know, Ultimate Forces Challenge is not our only program, it’s a specialized extension from our previous success series Ultimate Fitness Challenge which we actually are picking up again for 2020 as a 20 years anniversary edition. Next to that we started the program SportModels back in 2008 and now the market is shifting in a positive way we started this 16 weeks production too for 2020, yes 2020 will be a busy exiting year.
Next to both UFC programs and SportModels we have 3 more events/programs coming up so there will be more than enough content to broadcast in the upcoming years.
Of course, our previous editions will be for free to watch without subscription and our new series comes with a very low-cost subscription. No, we are not going to challenge other big networks and we will stick to our own events and programs. However, when other sports events would like to join to broadcast their series, we are open for suggestions because we don’t see a competition in this sports platform.
The number of streaming services available globally has exploded in the past few years, and they are now competing not just with other streaming services but also pay TV, user-generated content like YouTube, and digital entertainment options like video games for consumer time and eyeballs. Standing out and innovating in a crowded ecosystem is a major challenge. So therefor we believe it’s better to stick with who you are and the target audience.
Already having so much website visitors from various countries around the world on a daily base reading our news blog and viewing our video’s gives us the confidence and drive to go for it.
Because we love what we do
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