Exploring new UFC possibilities, the last few weeks shows a new vibe in business opportunities and they haven’t forgotten UFC being an honest and reliable partner during the years. When contacting former partners and sponsors, we immediately noticed we’ve made the right choices by sticking to our deals, one on one communication and old school handshake agreements. All doors opened again, the first business appointments are set and our former PUFC Bali 2016 sponsor Trefecta agreed immediately for the next UFC, how cool is that?
Also, our new perspective and innovations in the Ultimate Fitness Challenge and Ultimate Forces Challenge without changing the successful competition formula was a direct hit. The Covid-19 pandemic forced everyone to innovate and discover new possibilities. Not only we gathered much more global interest on our website, but on social media too. It’s clear companies’ wants to leave Corona behind them and move forward, so who you’re gonna call? Exactly… Progress… and that’s where UFC steps in offering unique and groundbreaking global exposure options.
Also, our definite choice to take everything in our own hands again was most appreciated by our affiliates. UFC takes only responsibility for its own organization and productions so no others allowed. Not being dependable on global broadcasting anymore opens much more doors then expected, so we’re on the right track again.
See you soon because we love what we do
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