Abs Roller With These 4 Progressions

Abs Roller With These 4 Progressions

Yes, it’s a hard exercise to perform, but once you get it down, you’ll completely smoke your deepest core muscles. By JORDAN SMITH The abs roller is a piece of equipment that’s often tucked to the side of your gym, but it’s a great way to build your core muscles....
Girls Doing a Real Car Pull. Yes, They Can.

Girls Doing a Real Car Pull. Yes, They Can.

Our idea back in UFC 2000 to put in a real car pull for the girls raised lots of eyebrows, so that was the sign for us’ we’re going to do just that. With an average of 120 pounds girls pulling a 1.3-ton car seem impossible, but 20 years later we know, it’s a piece of...
Can Sitting in a Sauna Improve Your Performance?

Can Sitting in a Sauna Improve Your Performance?

Feel yourself slogging through your runs? You may want to add this to your training routine. By ​SELENE YEAGER People have basked in hot saunas for recreation and relaxation for thousands of years. Now, a research roundup published last year in Mayo Clinic...
13 Health Benefits of Avocados: Fruit, Seed and Oil

13 Health Benefits of Avocados: Fruit, Seed and Oil

by Emma Home Avocados are often enjoyed as guacamole. What many of us don’t know is that this delicious fruit is also very healthy for us. The health benefits of avocado range from helping you lose weight to protecting you from age-related diseases. The best thing...
10 Tips to Make Winter Running Less Miserable

10 Tips to Make Winter Running Less Miserable

Cold-climate runners offer their best advice for plowing through the chilly season. By YISHANE LEE Sometimes, the seasons seem to change overnight. One day, you’re ticking off miles on a brisk, 60-degree afternoon with sunshine overhead; then the next morning, the...

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