Much More Trafic On The UFC Website

Much More Trafic On The UFC Website

Recent announcements about new UFC series increased the number of surfers on our website and Twitter dramatically to the thousands. Especially European neighboring countries raised quickly in visiting and most were searching on “The next UFC winner” Watch episodes,...
Who will be the next UFC winner?

Who will be the next UFC winner?

Things and circumstances start moving quickly lately, sounding like the Bel to the next round. New ladies, but also former UFC contestants who experienced previous Ultimate Fitness Challenge editions are checking if they could sign up again. Somehow the UFC fire...
Breaking News Ultimate Fitness Challenge 2022

Breaking News Ultimate Fitness Challenge 2022

Today we received great news from the Belgium Gov. From Oct. 1st most Covid-19 restrictions have been decreased. This brings the next UFC ladies only in spring 2022 within reach for sure. As we all have to live and suffer to the Covid-19 Rules & Regulations it...
Passion, Purpose and Progress

Passion, Purpose and Progress

As the 1.5 mtr. rules have disappeared we’ve noticed companies are exploring affordable strategies to make progress again. It’s clear everybody wants to leave Corona behind them as a black page in history. It’s also clear companies took the Corona low tide to reinvent...
World’s Best E-bike. Truly, There is No Match.

World’s Best E-bike. Truly, There is No Match.

As we announced two weeks ago about the first price in the next Ultimate Fitness Challenge, the Trefecta RDR E-Bike’ we received numerus reactions. First of all, lots of people were very enthusiast about us bringing back the very successful ‘Ladies Only’ series. Quite...
UFC Progress

UFC Progress

Due to the upcoming termination of the Covid-19 1.5 meter rules at the end of September in Holland, the next Ultimate Fitness Challenge is becoming within reach. It’s expected that neighboring countries will also withdraw this 1.5 meter rules soon. In that case, the...

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