Our YouTube Channel Surprises Us Every Time…

Our YouTube Channel Surprises Us Every Time…

On a monthly base we receive Stats from our online activities and Youtube is one of them. Each time we’re amazed about these YouTube figures, which shows no decline in media attention. And such media attention regardless the fact that have no activities for quite some...
It’s Just A Matter Of Time

It’s Just A Matter Of Time

Patience can be a valuable skill in the workplace and for your personal life. Being patient can help you set goals, collaborate more effectively with coworkers and overcome obstacles. Being patient means controlling your emotional responses to certain situations and...
Great UFC Memories Never Fade

Great UFC Memories Never Fade

Back in 2016 the actual Ultimate Forces Challenge production took place at Bali Indonesia, our first international UFC competition. One of the international teams was from Australia and great people to have on board. Next to a serious 10 days competition with various...
Atlantic StormTroopers Progress

Atlantic StormTroopers Progress

Meet Atlantic Stormtroopers Anique & Saskia, a duo who have had a long and winding path to get to this point with some false starts! Both had originally set out to row the Atlantic Ocean in other teams, but were introduced to each other when those previous plans...
UFC YouTube Channel Subscriptions Rising

UFC YouTube Channel Subscriptions Rising

As the number of viewers of our UFC episodes keeps climbing, we received requests about becoming Subscriber of our YouTube Channel: UFC YouTube Channel  For now over 150 YouTube UFC films and episodes are published on our channel and there’s more to come. By becoming...

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